Thursday, October 21, 2010

A date has been set!

Well, it looks like we will be checking into the hospital this Sunday night for a scheduled induction.  My doctor thinks it is the best option since I would still like to try for a regular delivery.  It seems that I have a narrow cervix and Miss Hadleigh has yet to drop.  Let's hope she isn't too big and I'm able to have her without a c-section.  I have started to prepare myself that it might have to be an option, but I'm staying optimistic that we can forgo that.  If all goes well we hope to be meeting Miss Hadleigh Ann Monday the 25th!!
We had a Dr apt on Tuesday and I am 1/2 cm dilated.  Last week I had not progressed at all, so let's hope that things start moving along more in the next couple days!
I am spending the week cleaning, cleaning, and cleaning!!  I started maternity leave yesterday so I could get some last minute things done around the house.  I'm trying to think of a great place for Ryan and I to go for my LAST MEAL....any ideas??  Looking forward to spending some quality time with the hubby and pups this weekend :)
We will keep everyone updated :) 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chandeliers, Showers, and Giraffes!!

Well last week I went into full nesting mode and felt a huge urge to get the nursery organized!!  I think I sent Ryan an email of 30 things we needed to get done :)  Well I'm happy to say we got most things checked off our list.  Ryan spent a good portion of last weekend putting Hadleigh's chandelier up and it looks AMAZING!!  He did such a great job! We organized her closet, washed clothes, and got the room in order. 
I came down with the flu last weekend and I'm just now starting to feel human again, so Ryan has been a savior in helping get things put together. He even had a giant giraffe delivered to the house the other day for his little girl :)  I think it is about 4 feet tall!  So cute and looks great in the nursery.  I can already see that Hadleigh is going to be a daddy's girl!
Two weeks ago we were blessed by wonderful friends and family with a baby shower.  Hadleigh was one lucky girl and received some amazing gifts!!  It was a wonderful day :)  The hostesses went above and beyond and made the day so special. They even had M&M's with her name on cute!  Thank you again to everyone who came, it was a great day of sweet memories. 
Well, we had a Dr apt on Monday and it looks like our little girl has done a flip or two in my tummy because she is now breech...yikes!  The Dr scheduled an ultrasound for next week just to make sure.  If that's the case they want to get me on the books for a c-section, but reassured us that she still has a few more weeks to get back to where we want her to be.  This Momma REALLY doesn't want to have a c-section, so we are hoping she flips again!  Everything else was right on target at the doctor.  Her heart rate was great and she is measuring perfectly :)  We are getting anxious and ready for her arrival, and feeling very blessed that we have a healthy little girl!
Here are a few fun pics of the nursery :)

The chandelier that daddy put together piece by pretty!

 Her new side table that Ryan put together with her pretty little lamp!

 Our last little project is to put up a couple shelves above her dresser. 

Her car seat cover that I fell in love with!!

Her giraffe :)